About Sanger High School 

Campus Overview

Sanger High School is the single comprehensive high school in the Sanger Unified School District. “Always with Pride” has been Sanger High School’s motto for more than a century. Sanger High School moved to its current location in January 2000. The beautiful school is spread over 60 acres and is comprised of 18 buildings, including a multimedia library and two updated computer labs, a multi-purpose building, and 9 classroom computer labs providing students with access to technology.

Sanger High School is proud to offer nine diverse Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways: Wonderful Agriculture Mechanics, Wonderful Agriculture Plant Science, Engineering Technology, Digital Arts & Media Production, Education, PLTW Biomedical Science, Health Sciences, AP Capstone, and Military & Public Services.

Through grants and industry partnerships, SHS continues to expand and enhance its CTE pathways. These collaborations have provided funding for industry-based technology, curriculum development, dual enrollment college courses, and work-based learning opportunities—ensuring students gain real-world experience and the skills needed for future success.

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Our Vision

Sanger High School will be a proactive school that embraces technological advancements to enhance student learning, instructional strategies, and curriculum development. Students will leave high school prepared for continuing education and pursuing careers with the ability to persevere through the challenges of an ever-changing and diverse world.

Our Mission

Sanger High School’s mission is to develop college and career ready, goal-oriented, responsible students through a rigorous, engaging, and positive learning environment that promotes creativity and diversity, cross-curricular connections, and a commitment to community.

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School Purpose

Sanger High School has a commitment to excellence that is demonstrated in its collaborative approach to student learning. PLC’s collaborate to design curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of all learners. The transition to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) has necessitated comprehensive curriculum changes at Sanger High School. These changes are guided by the school’s vision/mission and the Schoolwide Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) established by Sanger High School.

The vision and mission statements in addition to the SLO’s guide the culture of SHS. The recent changes from ESLR’s to SLO’s has allowed the campus to increase the focus on the CTE connection demanded by Common Core. Sanger High School’s Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) program aligns with the SLO’s to create a climate that supports both diversity and acceptance.

Sanger High’s SLO’s are embedded in the curriculum and highlighted in extra-curricular activities. The SLO’s reflect a cultural change that promotes a rigorous curriculum and high expectations for all students. Incoming freshmen are introduced to SLO’s and they are embedded in the daily routine on campus. The values demonstrated in the SLO’s have become part of Sanger High’s belief system, and these values are present in every facet on the SHS campus.

The culminating activity of the SLO’s is the Senior Portfolio is completed by all seniors as a graduation requirement. Student evidence of the mastery and understanding of the SLO’s is highlighted in the Senior Portfolio through student work samples and narratives explaining how the SLO’s have been achieved. Students must provide evidence that they are Solution Seekers, Honorable Citizens, and Skilled Communicators. By incorporating these values into all aspects of life at SHS, students are able to embody these values and exemplify them through their behavior.

School-wide Learning Outcomes (SLO's)

Solution Seekers:

  • Utilize available resources and creatively develop new resources
  • Organize time effectively
  • Seek meaningful and creative solutions through critical thinking
  • Respond to personal, community, and world needs

Honorable Citizens:

  • Stand up against harmful words and actions
  • Participate positively in school activities
  • Respect and show consideration toward all students and staff
  • Embrace diversity among students

Skilled Communicators:

  • Create a collaborative environment that promotes inquiry
  • Active participants in conversations that promote the importance of multiple perspectives
  • Express thoughts and ideas through reading, writing, speaking, and listening
  • Utilize technology for a variety of purposes and audiences